Yes, I know it's been a long time but if y'all would get on facebook you'd be able to keep up just fine :) Since February nothing much has happened. Just kidding. I've been busy and I guess since it was that long ago, first and foremost I must mention that I have a permanent job that I love. Well, as permanent as any job is but I'm cautiously optimistic. It's challenging, interesting and exactly where I want to be. Actually I don't know if Atlanta is exactly where I want to be but so far so good. There are quirks about this place that I will never like but there is a lot to like too with the main thing being that I have a great job.
I think my church is the thing I like second best although that's going through a change too but I think it will be ok. Fr. John is retiring after being priest there for 11 years and we will now have Fr. Jeffrey. I've only seen him once but knew Fr. John ok and will miss him. Since the new guy is from New Orleans though I have high hopes.
Another thing I love is my apartment. I'm pretty sure it's my favorite of all the places I have lived. My bathroom in Japan may have been a bit better but not much. It's got all the things I love. A balcony, huge windows, it's on the 4th floor so I just look out at the tops of trees, a walk in shower, an open kitchen with an island and more. The only thing that I really don't like about it is the address. I live on Confederate. What's a Northerner to do when you move South though? (I thought about using the Y word but I hate the baseball team to much to call myself that.)
Speaking of baseball, I've caught a few games this year. I went to a Braves/Cubs game courtesy of work, then a Twins/Boston game courtesy of a friend and a boss who lets me fly to Minnesota for a day game in the middle of the week, then a Braves/Phillies game courtesy of a friend, then a Phillies/Twins game in Philadelphia, then a Braves/Nats game courtesy of work and finally last week a Rochester Red Wings/Gwinnett Braves game. (Twins/Braves AAA teams) Gwinnett is a suburb of Atlanta so not too far. As far as watching AAA ball, it was great because the seats were cheap and good but I hate to tell you that the Twins have already called up their main talent. They were swept in a four game series although Jacque Jones did have a 4 RBI night the day after we were there. Also saw Wilson Ramos in his last game before he was traded to the Nats. Toby Gardenhire and Brendan Harris were the others we knew. Pat Neshek is with them but didn't play the game we went to.
Oh, the pic is the new comforter set I bought today. I was using a great quilt that Grandma made but it was too small for a queen sized bed so I took advantage of my Target gift card and a sale. And yes, my whole wall is pretty much a window which I absolutely love. My living room is floor to ceiling windows, even bigger!