Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ok, trying this for the umpteenth time.  I'm going to focus on writing about my half marathons because what better way is there to make running boring but to go on and on about it to non-runners... Actually I take credit for converting several people to becoming runners and of course they rapidly surpass my abilities when they do start but oh well.
This past weekend I did the Portland, OR full marathon.  26.2 miles.  I wanted to run about half of it but ended up walking about 3/4 of it due to not feeling very well but I did manage to get done even if it did take forever. The bad thing is that I know I can do so much better when I don't feel like I'm plodding through cement or have a rock in a stomach so I guess I need to do another one. It will be a while before I do a full but one of these days.
I do have a lot of half marathons on the calendar which I find pretty doable. There's definitely room for me to improve in those too so I'm going to focus on improving my times over the next couple of months.
I'm excited for the next one because it's in Savannah so I'll have a few people cheering me on as well as know a lot of the other runners.  Will be a change from the last two big runs where I attended with just one other person.

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