Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hey everybody-

Random story day. I've been following some basketball like everybody else has with March Madness going on. One story that isn't NCAA but is very cool is how good the New Orleans Hornets have been this year. They had to relocate the season after the storm and NOLA isn't really a basketball town so they have been just barely making it. Until this year that is when they caught on fire. A lot of it is due to Chris Paul. He's an awesome player who's only 6'0", pretty short for the NBA. I did a little bit of research and realized that he played two years for Wake Forest before going pro. Wake Forest has always been one of my favorite schools just because you have to give credit to a place that picks "Demon Deacons" for a mascot. Another really cool story about him comes from his high school years. During his senior year, his grandfather was murdered at the age of 61. The day of the funeral Paul has a game and scores 61 points! He intentionally missed a free throw and then left the game. Pretty amazing story. So all of you "Cinderella" team lovers, here's one to root for. The New Orleans Hornets have the city buzzing and are making a strong run for it all.

On another note, it's Easter! Time to eat chocolate after giving it up for Lent. Yippee!

And finally, something to make you laugh. This is why even if I "kind of" know another language, I hesitate to use it for fear of butchering it. It's a Bulgarian version of American Idol where a contestant doesn't really know the words of a Mariah Carey song but still tries to do it in English. The final result is pretty entertaining.

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