Saturday, February 14, 2009

Minneapolis in Winter

I don't actually have a video camera but came across this youtube video that shows winter scenes from the lakes here. The first section is Lake Harriet which is one of my favorite places on earth, especially during the summer when the bandshell has a different concert every single night. Then you can see the paraskiing on Lake Calhoun which is cool to watch.

Today was the Valentine's 5k at Lake Harriet which was fun. Definitely a little warmer than the Reindeer Run there a few months ago although a bit colder than it has been lately. It seems we get spoiled by temperatures a little warmer pretty quickly. Unfortunately it's been so warm and now cold that ice rinks have been appearing wherever there's a low spot. The city does a great job of clearing the trails and roads but the grassy areas of parks collect water and there isn't a real way to avoid it unfortunately. It's just this time of year.

In other adventures, I bought new pots and pans at Costco last night. I didn't have a real set and the ones I had were all scratched up which I guess means that they shouldn't even be used anymore. However, in true Jen fashion I have injured myself before even using them. I put a nice cardboard cut in the tip of my finger while putting the box in the cart. Bummer... I am excited about them though because they have the exact specifications I was looking for which was glass lids and coated handles. Now to try them out!

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