Friday, February 27, 2009

New Fundraising Endeavor

After my two trips last year to New Orleans where I volunteered for the St Bernard Project, I've wanted to do some fundraising locally. Maybe a bit of help from upriver on the Mississippi to our neighbors to the South? I had considered trying to organize an event but after some late changes it was decided that it wouldn't be a go in time for Mardi Gras. The other thing that has been taking up a bit of time for me lately is running and training with a group for a few half marathons. I was thinking that with all of the charity events out there it would be good to just pick an event and a charity. After just a bit of googling I found a way to do this! There is a tool called Firstgiving and they allow a person or group to set up a website where they can accept donations for any non-profit as long as it is a registered 501(c)3. So... I now have a website and hope to raise $1000 for the St Bernard Project by the time I do the Stillwater 1/2 Marathon in May. Check it out and pass the word on! Thanks!

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