Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So almost to California. About 10 miles to be exact. Tomorrow is breakfast at Lake Tahoe and then maybe wine country on the way to San Francisco.

We spent the last four days in Jackson, Wyoming which was great although a bit rainy. To be exact, it has rained EVERY day of our trip so far. However, Sunday was pretty nice for the most part so we were able to see a good part of the parks. Yesterday was a downer and we were hanging out with my cousin Sara who lives there so we went to the National Museum of Wildlife Art which was actually really great. Also saw Ironman which wasn't too bad. Had some ice cream at what has to be one of the nicest Dairy Queens anywhere. Have you ever been to one that has a fireplace in the center and looks out on mountains? All in all, a great day even if it wasn't what was planned for Jackson.

On a bad first, today was the first day I have ever bought gas for over $4 a gallon. And it was well over that. Not the last time either. I think it will be a week or so before I get any for less. Bummer. Thank goodness I have been getting around 30 miles/gallon. Not bad for Gus (name of my Saturn Vue). Yes, it has more meaning. Saturns must have astronaut's names in my opinion so my SL2 was Shep and the Vue is Virgil "Gus" Grissom. Next Saturn will be Glenn after John Glenn to keep the Mercury 7 order going. If you want more info on them you can rent The Right Stuff :)

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